Office of the Medicaid Inspector General Announces Clarification on Implementation of Abbreviated Self-Disclosure Process

Published Date

OMIG established an Abbreviated Self-Disclosure Process to facilitate the self-disclosure of identified Medicaid overpayments that are considered to be routine or transactional errors or meet other defined characteristics and have already been voided or adjusted. This process was recommended to reduce the administrative burden associated with previously established Federal and State requirements that self-identified Medicaid overpayments be reported, explained, and returned within 60 days of identification. OMIG’s Self-Disclosure Program serves as an intermediary to assist the Medicaid provider community in complying with these requirements.  

In response to questions from Medicaid stakeholders, OMIG is clarifying that the application of the new Abbreviated Self-Disclosure Process was prospective, applying to the reporting of all qualifying transactions after its August 22, 2023 announcement (at the providers' option this could include transactions previously identified within 60 days of this date). Consequently, OMIG anticipated that the first full month of reporting would reflect the month of September and the first full month of reporting to be October 5, 2023.

It is important to note, that the implementation of new process does not forestall a Medicaid provider's obligation to report, explain and return all identified Medicaid overpayments within 60 days. Further, voiding or adjusting claims alone does not satisfy this requirement.

More information regarding OMIG’s Self-Disclosure Program is available at: Self-Disclosure | Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (