Acting Medicaid Inspector General Frank Walsh Takes State's Pledge for Accountability Against Gender-Based Violence

Published Date

The New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) today announced that Acting Medicaid Inspector General Frank T. Walsh, Jr. has taken the state’s Pledge of Accountability Against Gender-Based Violence, affirming his and OMIG’s commitment to raising awareness of and taking actions against domestic and gender-based violence. 

Launched in April and first signed by Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado, the state’s Pledge of Accountability is a digital Pledge created by OPDV that encourages individuals to become better allies, to recognize many of the behaviors that contribute to gender-based violence, and to speak up against gender-based violence in their lives. 

The pledge is part of a year-long campaign to Start the Conversation: Engaging Men and Boys, focused on the active participation of men and boys in eliminating gender-based violence and calling out harmful actions and behaviors that contribute to gender-based violence.

Acting Medicaid Inspector General Frank T. Walsh, Jr. displays his signed Pledge of Accountability with NYS OPDV Executive Director Kelli Owens.
Acting Medicaid Inspector General Frank T. Walsh, Jr. displays his signed Pledge of Accountability with NYS OPDV Executive Director Kelli Owens.

Take the Pledge for Accountability Against Gender-Based Violence