If you are a New York State Medicaid recipient, you may receive a letter entitled "Explanation of Medical (Medicaid) Benefits" - or EOMB. EOMB forms are important tools utilized by OMIG to both communicate with recipients about the care they receive and also to confirm that the services that the providers billed to Medicaid were actually the services received by the recipient.
Sample Explanation of Medical (Medicaid) Benefits (EOMB) Letter
If you receive an EOMB letter, please review the service(s) listed and make sure that everything is accurate -- including the date, the provider, and the services provided.
If everything is listed correctly, there is no need for further action, and the EOMB should not be mailed back to OMIG.
However, if something is NOT listed accurately, or if there are other issues related specifically to the services listed on the EOMB, it is important for recipients to take action. Please explain the issue(s) in the comment box, and return the EOMB to OMIG using the pre-paid envelope provided with the EOMB.