Information for Providers in the Recipient Restriction Program (RRP)
The assigned primary care provider or primary clinic is the ‘gate keeper’ for a restricted recipient. You are responsible for providing direct medical care or coordinating care through referral to another medical provider for specialty services. The assigned primary care provider is also responsible for ordering all non-emergency transportation for the assigned restricted recipient.
A referral will be needed from the assigned primary care provider for any non-emergency medical services when a specialist is required. Claims submitted for a restricted recipient will be denied if the assigned primary care provider's information is not included on the claim as the referring provider.
A medication can be prescribed by a specialist and the claim will process when submitted by the pharmacy after entering the assigned primary care providers identification number on the claim. A primary pharmacy is required to coordinate with the assigned primary care provider to safely manage the delivery of medications, including verifying referrals if prescriptions were not written by the assigned primary care provider. Instructions for entering the referring provider ID are below.
If you have any questions regarding the submission of claims, please contact eMedNY Provider Services at (800) 343-9000 or refer to the provider manuals located at, or the RRP Help line at (518) 474-6866 or email: [email protected].
Pharmacy services for Managed Medicaid recipients are billed through NYRx, the Medicaid Pharmacy Program. Medical claims for restricted Medicaid Managed Care recipients should follow guidelines established by the members Managed Care plan. Proper billing procedures for Fee-For Service recipients and the Medicaid Pharmacy Program (NYRx) for restricted recipients are explained below.
When providing services to a member who is restricted to a primary physician or facility, the NPI of the referring professional must be entered. If a member is restricted to a facility, the NPI of the facility’s referring professional must be entered. The ID of the facility cannot be used.
NYDOH will interpret this as the Referring Provider’s Information
Eligibility or Benefit Information
When EB01=N, the patient has provider restrictions for the service type identified in EB03. The provider the patient is restricted to is reported in Loop 2120C.
Entity Identifier Code
When NM101=P3, the entity being identified is the provider the patient is restricted to for the service type reported in EB03.
Identification Code Qualifier
NYSDOH will send “XX” when identifying a Restricted Provider.
When filling prescriptions/orders for a member who is restricted to an assigned primary care provider (physician, clinic, podiatrist, or dentist) and the assigned primary care provider is the prescribing/ordering provider, the NPI of this provider must be entered in the ordering/prescribing field.
If the restricted member was referred by the assigned primary care provider to another provider and the referred-to provider is the prescribing/ordering provider, the pharmacy provider must enter the referred-to provider’s NPI in the ordering/prescribing field. The pharmacy must verify the referral with the assigned primary care provider and enter the primary’s NPI as the referring/primary care provider.
A second pharmacy (also called an alternate pharmacy) can be added to a restricted recipient’s profile in certain situations such as the need for a specialty medication, or for short-term rehabilitation stays. In the instance where the recipient is also restricted to a second pharmacy, both pharmacies will be able to provide pharmacy services. To add a second pharmacy for a restricted recipient, please have the recipient contact:
During normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8a – 4p)
For NYC recipient provider changes, a provider can initiate the change by completing the MAP-3046a form and send to NYC Human Resources Administration: MAP-3046a